
I’m not a writer.

I’m not getting paid to turn out the next great young adult series, or the latest in a long line of cheesy vampire romance novels. I’m not on the phone with publishers or editors all day. I’m not booking stores to hold events for publicity. The closest I’ve been to being a writer was back in high school when I had to write essays and turn them in on a certain date to get a good grade.

I’m not a writer.

I’m an author.

The broadest definition of the term “author” is “one that originates or creates”.  No mention of it being a profession. No thought to publication or book signings. Not even the barest hint of merchandise or, dare I even dream of it, movie rights. Boiled down to its bare bones, an author is someone who creates. Their work doesn’t have to be for a mainstream audience. It doesn’t even have to be for close friends and family. Sometimes, it can be for one person and one person alone; the author themselves.

I may not become published. I actually think my novel will be a ridiculous waste of paper only made to amuse me. But it will be mine. I will have created it.

And I can always be proud of that.

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